Strides Community Hub
Our Strides Community Hub in Kennington is a space shaped for and by the community, with room available for local groups to run courses and workshops. It’s where we also run a cost of living and budgeting drop in centre for people in the local area.
We provide affordable accommodation for keyworkers in London, enabling them to save for rental and shared ownership deposits.
We work with men leaving prison, supporting them in their rehabilitation and reintegration into the community.
Through our partnership with Westminster City Council we offer people in work but experiencing homelessness their choice of an Airbnb, homestay or similar for up to 3 months, anywhere in London, alongside professional coaching.
We run an affordable counselling centre, providing longer-term psychotherapy, making the service accessible to people on low income who need longer term support and avoiding long NHS waiting times.
We are striving to amplify the scale and impact of our work through deeply connected partnerships where working together means we can improve life outcomes for people and communities.
In 2023 we continued our ongoing partnerships with St Mungo’s, DePaul UK and New Horizon, and saw new partnerships come to fruition with the STAR Project and Bounce Back.
In 2024 and beyond we will seek to continue strengthening our networks and developing opportunities to partner with organisations aligned with our purpose and promise, and expand our provision of registered social housing.

Making an Impact - is a series of blog posts introducing organisations based at the Social Justice and Human Rights Centre, commonly known as The Foundry, in the heart of Vauxhall.